Ad hoc announcements
Gerold Brütsch named new CFO of the CPH Group
Gerold Brütsch has been appointed as the new Chief Financial Officer of the CPH Group. He succeeds Richard Unterhuber, who will leave the Group by the end of February 2022.
Perlen, 31 August 2021 – Gerold Brütsch has been appointed as the new Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of CPH Chemie + Papier Holding AG and a member of the Executive Management of the CPH Group. Gerold Brütsch served for the past 20 years as CFO of Starrag Group Holding AG, during which he acquired extensive experience in the financial management of an internationally active stock exchange-listed company. Prior to this he had served as CFO of Müller Martini Bookbinding Systems AG and as a KPMG audit and consulting manager. He holds a B.Sc. in business administration and is a certified public accountant. Gerold Brütsch will join the CPH Group this autumn, and will assume the duties of Group CFO, with responsibility for finances, real estate, IT and investor relations, upon Richard Unterhuber’s departure.
Richard Unterhuber, who has been CFO of the CPH Group and a member of Group Executive Management since October 2016, has decided to continue his professional career outside the Group. He will remain fully responsible for the Group’s 2021 financial accounting and reporting, and will then leave CPH by the end of February 2022. CPH thanks Richard Unterhuber for all his energies and commitment and the contribution he has made to the Group’s continued development, and wishes him every future personal and professional satisfaction and success.