Share information

The shares of the CPH Group AG have been listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange since 2001. The shares are included in the Swiss Performance Index (SPI). Numerous analysts conduct and publish studies on the CPH Group.

Share statistics

2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
in CHF
Share price as at 31 December 85.00 78.00 61.00 72.60 79.20
Share price, annual high 95.00 78.80 75.40 80.80 88.50
Share price, annual low 78.00 56.20 58.20 57.00 74.00
Price-earnings ratio as at 31 December 6.5 4.6 -2.4 9.3 9.8
Earnings per share 13.15 16.83 -25.26 7.82 8.06
Dividend per share 4.00 1) 4.50 1.30 1.80 1.80
Shareholders´ equity per share 72.73 66.37 51.52 78.45 73.29
Dividend yield 4.7 % 5.8 % 2.1 % 2.5 % 2.3%
Number of issued registered shares 6 000 000 6 000 000 6 000 000 6 000 000 6 000 000
Market capitalization (in CHF millions) 510 468 366 436 475

1) Board of Directors´ proposal to Annual General Meeting of 20 March 2024

Shareholder structure

31.12.2023 31.12.2022
Shareholders´ group Swiss Industrial Finance AG,
Zurich, Switzerland (14.8%) and
Elly Schnorf-Schmid Foundation, Zurich, Switzerland  (18.8%),
represented by Peter Schaub, Uster, Switzerland
33.6% 33.6%
J. Safra Sarasin Investmentfonds AG, Basel, Switzerland 7.0% 6.6%
Total number of registered shareholders 1052 935



Securities information

The CHF 1,2 million share capital of CPH Chemie + Papier Holding AG, the holding company of the CPH Group, is fully paid in. The company’s share capital consists of 6 000 000 registered shares each of CHF 0.20 nominal value (following a 1:20 share split on 10 April 2015). The CPH share has been listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange in the Domestic Standard since 11 June 2001.

Stock exchange listing SIX Swiss Exchange
Currency CHF
Index membership SPI, SPI Extra, SPI ex SLI, SPI ESG, SPI ESG Weighted, SPI Basic Resources, Swiss All Shares Index
Securities identification codes
Securities number 162471
ISIN CH0001624714
Reuters CPH.S

Share register

The CPH Share Register can be contacted (to report a change of address, for instance) as shown below. Please include your residential address and phone number when doing so.

Further information

Share Register
Daniel Steiner
+41 455 80 00


Various analysts regularly compile research reports on the shares of CPH Chemie + Papier Holding AG and publish studies on its expected business performance. These views, judgements and expectations do not necessarily reflect the opinion of CPH Chemie + Papier Holding AG or the management of the CPH Group. Some of these analysts are shown below (though this list makes no claim to being exhaustive or fully up-to-date).

Baader Helvea AG 
Konstantin Wiechert

Research Dynamics
Doris Rudischhauser

Research Partners
Eugen Perger

Zürcher Kantonalbank
Philipp Gamper

Publicly available reports will be found in the documentation section under documentation.