In focus

Trainees of tomorrow

Some 160 different vocational training courses were on offer at the ZEBI Central Swiss Education Fair. And Perlen Papier made its début this year with its own fair stand.

For any school student, finding a future career can be quite an undertaking. What occupation should I choose? What firm or organization could I do it at? And what training or qualifications will I need to make it all happen?

The four-day ZEBI Central Swiss Education Fair, which was held in Lucerne from 9 to 12 November, helped over 24,000 visitors to find out more about a vast range of trades, professions and further education options. And Perlen Papier attended for the first time, presenting its own range of basic training courses for automation engineers, polymechanics, production engineers, paper technologists, informaticians, logistics officers and sales personnel at its dedicated stand.

A forklift obstacle course

Ivan Zimmermann and Thomas Schibig, two current apprentices in Perlen Papier’s Servicing & Maintenance unit, had even devised a fun challenge specially for the occasion. The game required visitors to guide a remotely-controlled forklift truck around a demanding circuit within a certain time. But even those who failed to do so were rewarded with a consolation prize of a Capri Sonne soft drink. The game proved a great success. And Perlen Papier hopes to welcome many more motivated young people to its trainee ranks.