In focus
Zeochem wins Bosnia-Herzegovina award
CPH’s Chemistry Division has earned Bosnia-Herzegovina’s "FIPA Award to the Most Significant Foreign Investors" for establishing its new production facility in Zvornik, which employs 40 personnel. Company manager Zoran Petkovic (far left in the picture) received the prestigious distinction on CPH’s behalf.
The Foreign Investment Agency of Bosnia-Herzegovina (FIPA) has presented Zeochem with its 2018 FIPA Award. Zeochem is one of 12 companies honoured in the latest round of these annual distinctions, which have been bestowed for ten years now on foreign companies that have made a particularly important contribution to the country’s economic development.
«Zeochem is a prominent exporter of Bosnian products. As such, it not only strengthens the Bosnian economy, but also acts as an ambassador for Bosnia-Herzegovina on the global market stage,» ran the tribute to the company at the December award ceremony. «Zeochem is also one of the few foreign investors that manufacture their products using only domestic resources,» the citation continued.
CPH’s Chemistry Division has invested millions in its new Zvornik facility, which has created 40 jobs. A large number of these employees are highly qualified engineers.