In focus

AGM approves dividend increase

At the 47th Ordinary Annual General Meeting of CPH Chemie + Papier Holding AG, the shareholders approved an increase in the dividend payment to CHF 1.80 per share and accepted all items on the agenda with an overwhelming majority.

224 shareholders attended the 47th Annual General Meeting of CPH Chemie + Papier Holding AG in Lucerne on the 19th of March 2019. The shareholders represented 77.8% of the total voting shares and approved all items on the agenda with an overwhelming majority.

All members of the administrative board, the auditors and the independent proxy were re-elected with more than 98% approval. At the Annual General Meeting the decision was made to increase the dividend payment to CHF 1.30 per share. Moreover, to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the CPH Group in 2018, the shareholders agreed to an additional payout of CHF 0.50 per share in the form of a special dividend.

Decisions AGM 2019 (pdf in German)