In focus
Successful investors’ day in Rüti
On the investors' day in Rüti near Zurich, the CPH Group presented the new manufacturing facility of the Chemistry Division.
As part of its realignment, the Chemistry Division has sold its founding site in Uetikon to the Canton of Zurich. Most of the production was reallocated to the newly acquired production site in China, the newly established site in Bosnia-Herzegovina and the existing site in the USA.
The production of deuterated products and high-performance gels will remain in Switzerland. By the end of 2018, the production of these product lines was moved to the new premises in Rüti, where the headquarters of the Chemistry Division is located. On the investors’ day in Rüti, which took place on the 18th of June, the CPH Group focused on the Chemistry Division.
25 professional investors and analysts were given an in-depth insight into the products and markets of the Chemistry Division. During the tour of the production plant in Rüti, the visitors were introduced to the «secrets» of the production of deuterated solvents. In addition to the market for NMR analysis, the market for OLED screens is one of the fastest growing for this product segment.
You will find the presentations here.