In focus

Sustainability at CPH

The CPH Group has made major efforts to save on resources and reduce its carbon emissions over the past few years.

The Paper Division is setting new benchmarks in the circular economy, processing waste paper that is largely recovered from within Switzerland into new paper products. The division’s Perlen production plant has reduced its fossil carbon dioxide emissions 84% from their 2013 levels. And under the “Ten Toes” framework developed by the Confederation of European Paper Industries (CEPI), Perlen Papier has a carbon footprint that is less than a quarter of the size of the European industry average (read more).

The Chemistry Division has minimized its transport costs by placing its Zvornik plant in Bosnia and Herzegovina next to its supplier and by ensuring that its Chinese production site procures 95% of its raw materials from domestic providers. In addition, the division now uses more ecofriendly energy sources; and it has installed further filter facilities to reduce dust emissions (read more).

The Packaging Division’s manufacturing plant in Müllheim, Germany is ISO 50001 energy-certificated and has switched entirely to eco-power for its electricity supplies. Various actions have also been taken to maximize the utilization of raw PVC and PVdC materials in the division’s film production processes (read more).