In focus

Successful Investors’ Day in Perlen

The focus of this year’s Investors' Day of the CPH Group was on the paper division, which is far ahead of its European competitors in terms of sustainability.

Despite Covid-related distance and hygiene measures, the Investors Day on 8 September 2020 was met with great interest. Two dozen analysts and professional investors traveled to the CPH Group’s headquarters in Perlen where they were informed about the course of business in the first half of the year in view of the challenging economic situation. Moreover, they were given in-depth information about the paper division. “After a very challenging second quarter in which the demand for paper fell by up to 40%, the situation has somewhat improved. Nevertheless, the demand for paper in the second half of the year is likely to be 20 to 30% below the previous year’s level,” explained Peter Schildknecht, CEO of the CPH Group. In contrast, the Packaging Division is expected to achieve another record result in 2020. With the construction of a coating plant in Brazil, the division will drive expansion in the growth markets.

Optimistic for the future

Despite declining demand, Klemens Gottstein, Head of the Paper Division, is optimistic for the future: “In recent weeks, various paper producers have announced that they will shut down capacities for newsprint and magazine paper amounting to about 1.5 million tons. We might benefit from this development.” Perlen Papier has the most modern and efficient production facilities and positively stands out from its competition thanks to its sustainability efforts (see press release). Having consistently reduced its emissions, Perlen Papier now has a carbon footprint which is 75% smaller than those of its European competitors. Newspapers and magazines that are printed on paper produced by Perlen Papier are recycled products and thus ecofriendly as well as sustainable.

During the subsequent tour of the production facilities, the attendees were granted comprehensive insights into the complete paper production process—from the delivery of the raw materials, especially waste paper, pulp preparation, the paper machines processes, finishing, packaging and finally the loading area.

Find out more in the presentations of the CPH Group and Perlen Papier.