In focus
Claudine Mollenkopf elected to the Board of Directors
The Ordinary General Meeting elects Claudine Mollenkopf to the Board of Directors and approves all proposals of the Board of Directors with a large majority.
CPH's Annual General Meeting at KKL Luzern
The 49th Ordinary General Meeting of CPH Chemie + Papier Holding AG took place on March 18, 2021, in a small circle and without the physical presence of the shareholders due to the COVID-19 restrictions. The shareholders could entrust their votes to the independent proxy. At the General Meeting, the independent proxy represented 79.4% of the total of 6 million shares.
The General Meeting elected Dr. Claudine Mollenkopf as a member of the Board of Directors. She is the first female Board member and a proven specialist in silicate chemistry. She replaces Dr. Mauro Gabella, who did not stand for re-election. The other members of the Board of Directors were confirmed in office with roughly 95% of the votes.
For the first time, shareholders were able to vote on the compensation report in an advisory vote. Like the other items on the agenda, this was approved by an overwhelming majority. In accordance with the resolution of the AGM, the CPH Group will pay a dividend of CHF 1.80 per share for the 2020 financial year.
Minutes of the resolutions of the 2021 AGM, in German (pdf)
Presentation to the 2021 AGM, in German (pdf)
Further information on the AGM can be found here.