In focus

Annual General Meeting approves all proposals

CPH's Annual General Meeting has approved all agenda items by a large majority.

CPH's Annual General Meeting at KKL Luzern

CPH's Annual General Meeting at KKL Luzern

A record number of 264 shareholders attended the 52nd Annual General Meeting of CPH Chemie + Papier Holding AG on 20 March 2024 at the KKL Luzern.

They approved all items on the agenda with large majorities. All members of the Board of Directors were confirmed in office and Peter Schaub will continue to serve as Chairman of the Board of Directors. They also approved all proposed amendments to the Articles of Association, including, among others, an increase in registration limits for nominees and a shortening of the deadline for placing items on the agenda.

Under the terms of the AGM resolution, the CPH Group will pay a dividend of CHF 4.00 per share for the 2023 financial year.

In his opening address, Chairman Peter Schaub additionally informed the shareholders about the planned separation of the paper business from the chemistry and packaging activities. The CPH Group also announced this intention in a media release on 20 March 2024.

More information on the AGM